By: Door Buddy Editors | Published: 28 January 2025
There are certain things that animals do that we, as humans, just can’t get away with - nor would we want to! If you’re a dog owner, you’ve probably seen your pooch eat a few questionable items that you’d rather not think about. If you have both cats and dogs living together, one of those cringe-worthy moments might have been catching your dog munching on your cat’s poop.
We know - gross, right? And to make matters worse, your dog came trotting over, eager to plant a “kiss” on you right after. No, thanks!
“Un-fur-tunately”, it's a reality that most “fur-parents” face. So if you have been frantically googling "Why do dogs eat cat poop?" you’ve come to the right place. Not to say that we're experts or anything, but we do know a thing or two about keeping the dog out of the litter box and, more importantly, how to prevent this behavior altogether!

So why on earth would a dog do something as nasty as eating poop? Talk about unique preferences!
Poop eating, known scientifically as coprophagia, is quite common among dogs and is usually tied to behavioral habits or underlying medical issues (don’t worry we’ll dive into this shortly).
When it comes to eating cat poop, experts explain that it’s all about the aroma. Cat poop still retains the scent of your feline’s recently digested food, which, to a dog smells less like waste and more like a gourmet treat. Gross to us but absolutely irresistible to them!
1. Behavioral Reasons
Unfortunately, in many dogs (and perhaps most), eating feces can turn into a habit - and not a pleasant one for their humans! Some dogs actually enjoy the taste or texture, making it a challenging behavior to stop once it starts. This habit often stems from natural instincts, learned behaviors, or even boredom, which can make breaking the cycle particularly hard.
2. Medical Reasons
While it's not common, medical issues can sometimes explain why dogs snack on cat poop.The main culprit? Malnutrition! When a dog isn’t getting all the nutrients from their diet, they might go searching for alternative sources - no matter how unappetizing they seem to us. Diets like homemade meals or those that are not AAFCO-certified could be to blame. Be sure to check the label to ensure your dog’s nutritional needs are being met.

Let’s face it - dogs have some pretty questionable taste buds, and cat poop seems to be at the top of their “gourmet” list. But why? It all comes down to biology. Cats, as obligate carnivores, have digestive systems that don’t fully process their protein-packed meals. This leaves their poop with traces of undigested nutrients and a strong scent that dogs find irresistible. To your pup, it’s not waste - it’s a protein-rich delicacy!
But that’s not all. The role of gut bacteria could also play a role here. Dogs and cats have very different gut microbiomes, and some researchers believe dogs may be drawn to cat feces because it contains beneficial microorganisms that might be lacking in their own gut. Essentially, your dog could be seeking out poop as a way to “supplement” their microbiome.
Now that you know why your otherwise esteemed doggo thinks cat poop makes a suitable snack (blech!), you’re probably wondering: is cat poop bad for dogs? Can a dog get sick from eating cat poop? Great question!
Our “fur-ends” at the American Kennel Club explain that cat poop can pose health risks for your pup. If the feces contain parasites like roundworms or harmful bacteria such as salmonella, it could make your dog seriously ill - even if your cat shows no signs of being unwell. Eating cat feces can also expose your dog to diseases that could be transmitted through contaminated waste.
And let’s not forget the cat litter itself! If your dog ingests clumping or non-clumping litter, it can build up in their stomach, potentially causing blockages or other digestive issues.
To protect your furry friends, keep your cat’s litter box out of your dog’s reach and clean it regularly to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
Regular vet checkups for both your dog and cat are also key to catching and preventing potential health issues early. Keeping everyone healthy and happy is the ultimate goal!

Does it bother your cat to have the family dog eat her poop? You bet it does! Cats thrive on privacy and a sense of peace when using the litter box. Having the dog constantly coming and going can disrupt this sense of security and likely cause frustration. This can lead to tension between your pets, and your cat may even avoid the litter box altogether.
After all, how would you like it if someone kept interrupting your toilet time?
Let’s face it - some pups just can’t help themselves when it comes to sneaking “treats” from the litter box. Puppies and younger dogs are naturally curious little explorers who use their mouths to investigate everything (unfortunately, even cat poop!). Then you’ve got the chowhounds, like Labradors and Beagles, who see anything with a scent as a fair foodie game. Dogs dealing with dietary deficiencies or conditions like pica might also be more inclined to snack on things they shouldn’t.
Uh-Oh! Signs Your Dog Might Have Eaten Cat Poop
If your dog has been snacking on “kitty nuggets,” here are a few telltale signs to watch for:
Tummy troubles: Vomiting or diarrhea might pop up if their stomach isn’t a fan of their questionable snack.
Bad breath: Let’s be honest, the smell will probably give them away before anything else!
Abdominal discomfort: Whining, pacing, or a bloated belly could mean the cat poop didn’t sit well.
Lethargy: A tired or sluggish pup might be dealing with a little digestive distress.
Decreased appetite: If they’re skipping meals or turning down treats, their “snack” might not be agreeing with them.
Parasite problems: Eating cat poop could expose your dog to parasites like worms, which may cause itching, weight loss, or other symptoms.
So, your dog’s eating cat poop, and it’s harming their health, not to mention the fact that your cat’s feeling a little uneasy with the unwanted visitor! What can be done to stop this gross habit from happening and ensure a happy “fur-mily”? Keep reading to learn how to prevent your dog from eating cat feces and keep both your pets safe and happy!
Boost with supplements: If your pup’s gross habit is linked to a nutrient deficiency (like vitamin B), vitamin or enzyme supplements might do the trick!
Dog-proof the litter box: Place it behind a baby gate or up high where only your cat can reach. Problem solved! For more tips, check out our blog on how to dog-proof the cat feeder.
Dietary changes: Introducing fiber, probiotics or ensuring proper nutrient intake can help reduce the urge to snack on cat poop. Consult your vet about potential dietary adjustments, and check out our blog here for a complete guide to feeding dogs.
Taste deterrents for poop: add a safe, vet-approved deterrent to your cat’s food that makes their feces taste unpleasant to your dog. These products don't affect your cat but can make your dog think twice about indulging.
Upgrade to a covered litter box: Keep those “kitty nuggets” out of sight and out of reach. (Psst… check out our top litter box picks here!)
Keep your pup busy: Bored dogs can be troublemakers! Fun toys and brain-teasing puzzles can keep their focus off the litter box buffet.
Training: training your dog to follow a “leave it” command can be incredibly effective, provided you see them in action. Positive reinforcement, paired with consistent practice, can teach your pup to stay away from the litter box for good.
Keep the litter box clean: Regularly scooping out the litter box not only keeps your cat happy but also reduces the chance of your dog sneaking in for a “snack”. A clean litter box is far less tempting for curious pups! For more insights, read our article on the dangers of a dirty litter box.
Use Door Buddy: Door Buddy is a clever and practical solution to keep your dog out of the litter box and away from cat poop! Simply attach it to the door leading to your cat’s litter area, and voilá - your cat gets exclusive access while your dog stays out. Door Buddy is affordable, easy to use, and makes the perfect gift for any pet-loving household. Give it a try, and you’ll have happier (and cleaner) dogs and cats in no time!
As mentioned earlier, dogs eating cat poop can just be a bad habit, or it could point to an underlying issue, like a nutritional deficiency. Beyond the ‘yuck’ factor, the real concern is that dogs raiding the litter box can experience tummy troubles or even pick up unwelcome guests, such as gastrointestinal worms.
If you catch your furry friend in the act, just gently redirect them away or use your Door Buddy to give your cat back its space. And if you're still unsure about the cause, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet for medical advice.